Which currency is displayed on this store?

All prices indicated are in Australian Dollars (AUD$) and will be processes in AUD$ at checkout.

Do you ship internationally?

We currently do not ship to locations outside of Australia.

Which payment methods do you accept?

We accept all major credit cards, Apple Pay, Google Pay and Afterpay.

How long will my delivery take?

All orders are currently dispatched the same day or next business day from our warehouse. Once your item has been dispatched you will receive an email notification with a unique tracking code. The Express delivery option is the fastest delivery possible. Click here to read our shipping information.

Do you offer exchanges or refunds?

Yes, we do. Please visit our Refund Policy page here.

I'm interested in stocking Nuisance, how can I arrange this?

Please visit our Contact Us page. Let us know your details so our team can get in tough with you to discuss.